三國戰紀 – 經典街機無雙競技 APK MOD (UNLOCK/Unlimited Money) Download

三國戰紀 – 經典街機無雙競技 APK MOD (UNLOCK/Unlimited Money) Download

Description of 三國戰紀 - 經典街機無雙競技

三國戰紀 – 經典街機無雙競技 APK MOD (UNLOCK/Unlimited Money) Download三國戰紀(Knights of Valour ; KOV)IP於1999年正式推出,為IGS當年風靡兩岸三地的街機遊戲IP,是一款橫版街機動作遊戲,如今於2018年推出跨世代橫版街機格鬥手遊(Mobile Game),只見各路好手摩拳擦掌,三國大戰一觸即發,只為稱霸三國皇朝,三國群英誰能制霸三國經典?即刻下載三國戰紀,等你來戰!


► 經典IP,懷舊呈現:完整收錄三國戰紀街機經典IP的三國志故事內容以及章節關卡,完美重現童年遊戲的回憶,喚醒您心中對於動作遊戲的熱血!更有國語粵語還原經典配音,帶您回味街機遊戲當年的盛況與激情!
► 經典武將,任您差遣:不分吳、蜀、魏,三國群英傳說武將任您組隊出戰,一手掌握三國名將的命運,打造最強戰隊的組合,完成一統江山的霸業!名將趙雲經典時裝,通關即送!更有眾多武將等您來遭遇!
► 經典道具,出奇制勝:冰火電爆四劍、天師符、黃石公…還原多款經典道具任您配戴調度,讓您在戰場上出其不意,把把必勝!
► 全新競技,熱血開打:PVP 排位賽制跨服競技,爭奪最強段位,稱霸全服,包您一戰成名,制霸三國,締造屬於您的傳說!
► 格鬥手感,拳拳到肉,靈活的搖桿操控,以及源自經典街機遊戲的切將系統,讓您在臨兵陣前變幻莫測,指揮自如,享受出奇致勝所帶來的淋漓暢快!
► 武將挑戰,重溫經典:經典三國誌戰役任務等您挑戰,建立您的夢幻戰隊,讓您天天過五關斬六將,穿梭三國傳說戰役,擊破三國群英名將!
► 社群組隊,聯機作戰:連動臉書社群好友,戰友揪團天天有,聯手征戰不寂寞,與好友重溫聯機打BOSS的好幫手!
► 免費金幣,天天放送:在線獎勵、每日獎勵以及累積登入獎勵天天領取,讓您金幣領不完,天天免費玩!

► Android版本需求:5.0以上。
► 記憶體最低需求:2 GB ram以上。
► 存放空間大小:1GB以上安裝空間。

► 官方網站: https://www.kovmobile.com/
► 官方Facebook粉絲頁:https://www.facebook.com/KOVMobileTW/

► 本軟體依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔15級。
► 本遊戲內容涉及暴力、遊戲角色穿著突顯性特徵但不涉及性暗示之服飾或裝扮。
► 本遊戲為免費使用,但遊戲內另提供購買虛寶等付費服務,請依個人興趣、經濟能力來進行體驗,避免過度消費。
► 請注意遊戲時間,避免長時間沉迷於遊戲,易影響身心健康,建議適度休息及運動。
The Knights of Valour (KOV) IP was officially launched in 1999. It was the arcade game IP that was popular on both sides of the strait by IGS at that time. It is a horizontal arcade action game. Now it launched a cross-generation horizontal arcade fighter in 2018. You (Mobile Game), I saw the players from all walks of life gearing up, and the Three Kingdoms war was about to start, just to dominate the Three Kingdoms dynasty. Who can dominate the Three Kingdoms classic? Download the War of the Three Kingdoms now, waiting for you to fight!

Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Zhuge Liang, Cao Cao…and other classics of the Three Kingdoms series are all outstanding generals, and you can control them! Ice sword, fire sword, heavenly book… a variety of props for you to schedule! Include you to enjoy the unparalleled burst of gas and super kills, reminiscent of childhood one-coin clearance, nostalgic game of online combat, and you can instantly compete against the war! Download the War of the Three Kingdoms now and regain the soul of arcade fighting!

==Game Features==
► Classic IP, nostalgic presentation: A complete collection of the Three Kingdoms story content and chapters of the classic IP of the Three Kingdoms War period arcade, perfectly reproduces the memories of childhood games and awakens your heart for action games! There is also Mandarin and Cantonese to restore the classic dubbing, which will bring you back to the grand occasion and passion of the arcade game!
► Classic military commanders at your disposal: Regardless of Wu, Shu, and Wei, the legendary generals of the Three Kingdoms allow you to team up, master the fate of the three kingdoms with one hand, create the strongest team combination, and complete the dominance of the country! Famous general Zhao Yun’s classic fashion, free as soon as customs clearance! There are more generals waiting for you to encounter!
► Classic props, surprisingly winning: Ice, fire, electric explosion, four swords, heavenly master amulet, Huangshi Gong…restore a variety of classic props for you to wear and schedule, allowing you to surprise on the battlefield and win with the handle!
► Brand-new competition, enthusiastic start: PVP ranked competition system cross-server competition, compete for the strongest rank, dominate the whole server, you will become famous in one battle, dominate the three kingdoms, and create your own legend!
► The combat feel, fist to the flesh, flexible joystick control, and the cutting-edge system derived from classic arcade games, allow you to be unpredictable, command freely, and enjoy the invigorating joy brought by surprising victory!
► Military commanders challenge, relive the classics: classic Three Kingdoms campaign missions are waiting for you to challenge, build your dream team, let you pass five levels and cut six generals every day, shuttle through the battle of the legend of the Three Kingdoms, and defeat the heroes of the Three Kingdoms!
► Social group team, online battle: Link with Facebook community friends, comrades-in-arms will have a group every day, teaming up to fight is not lonely, and relive with friends online playing BOSS is a good helper!
► Free gold coins, daily delivery: online rewards, daily rewards and cumulative login rewards are collected every day, so you can’t collect gold coins and play for free every day!

==Recommended device specifications==
► Android version requirements: 5.0 or above.
► Minimum memory requirement: 2 GB ram or more.
► Storage space size: 1GB or more installation space.

==More game news==
► Official website: https://www.kovmobile.com/
► Official Facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/KOVMobileTW/

==Warm reminder==
► This software is classified into 15 levels according to the game software classification management method.
► The content of this game involves violence, and the characters in the game wear prominent features but do not involve sexually suggestive clothing or costumes.
► This game is free to use, but there are also paid services such as purchasing virtual treasures in the game. Please experience it according to your personal interests and financial ability to avoid excessive consumption.
► Please pay attention to the game time and avoid prolonged indulging in the game, which may affect your physical and mental health. It is recommended to take a moderate rest and exercise.

1. 新S級武將-徐晃
2. 新團本-冥煞八卦
3. 新頭像框-徐晃頭像 徐晃頭像框
4. 新稱號-天下利刃、禮賢下士、慧眼識珠

1. 八卦牌分解優化,分解產出調整為養成材料,不再產出青銅幣、熔火幣、金銖幣。上調“幻世魔將“橙色陣法掉落量,困難“幻世魔將”增加金色陣法掉落
2. 成就系統拓展
3. 戰魂強化等級上限拓展至20級
4. 星魂星位等級上限拓展至40級
5. 漢中爭奪戰匹配機制優化
6. 道具改造解鎖條件,調整為通關第六章11關
7. 軍團遠征最後三個boss防禦增強,掉落軍功增加
8. 提高金珠、袖箭、毒氣筒、炸彈、鐵蓮花等道具的傷害
9. 降低傳說戰役第四關難度




App Information of 三國戰紀 - 經典街機無雙競技

App Name 三國戰紀 - 經典街機無雙競技 v
Genre Arcade, Games
Latest Version
Get it On Google Play
Package Namecom.igs.kovtw
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